The Panopto Zoom integration allows instructors to set up their course Zoom recordings to move automatically to their course folder in Panopto. Meeting owners who have access to Panopto can also map their recordings to a Panopto folder. This means that all new meetings with the same URL will be moved into a designated Panopto folder. Â Previously created Zoom cloud recordings will not be moved to Panopto automatically.
Integration Highlights
Benefits of the Panopto Zoom integration include:
Security: In Panopto, control who has access to your meeting recordings and optionally move content to multiple folders.
Editing: You may edit your meeting recording as you would with a Panopto recording. Learn how to Edit a Video.Â
Automation: Map your meetings in Panopto and automatically share recordings to the folder you specify.
Analytics: Track recording analytics, including statistics about folders and individual meeting videos in Panopto. For details on Analytics, visit Panopto’s Learn About Folder and Session Level Statistics.
Viewing: Viewers can search and bookmark content, add notes, vary the playback speed, etc. Learn about viewing Panopto recordings.
In-Meeting Chat: The Zoom meeting chat displays in the Panopto video under Discussions. Learn how to Enable Chat to save to the cloud in your UW Zoom Cloud Recording settings. You must have the Save-chat-messages-from-the-meeting/webinar setting selected in order to have it show up in Panopto discussions
Retention: Panopto recordings are retained for five years; Zoom recordings are retained for 90 days.
- The amount of time it takes to import a Zoom recording into Panopto depends on the length of the meeting and how many other recordings Zoom is processing. On average, the video becomes available on the Panopto site an hour and a half from the time the meeting ends. The transcription is typically imported around three hours from the time the meeting ends. At peak times, this process may take significantly longer.
- All Zoom meetings that you schedule in Canvas or map in Panopto will be moved to Panopto and deleted from Zoom. Deleted Zoom recordings can be recovered from the trash for 30 days.
- You may see notifications from Zoom for recordings that have been moved to Panopto. You can safely ignore the notifications.
- Be careful when mapping meetings. If you try to map a meeting you don’t own, the recordings will not be moved to Panopto. Currently no warning is displayed.
- If you map a recording and re-use the Zoom meeting URL the following quarter, the Zoom recordings will be moved into the mapped Panopto folder. See Zoom FAQ for more information.
Guidelines, Policies & Recommendations:
- Users with HIPAA UW Zoom accounts will not be able to utilize this integration.
- Edits made to a recording in Zoom do not transfer to Panopto. We recommend editing in Panopto.
- We recommend not using your personal meeting rooms. It is too easy to share a personal meeting with your class accidentally.
- If you copy your Panopto recordings to another Canvas course, follow guidelines to ensure that you don’t violate FERPA.
- The integration works only for new recordings. Previously created Zoom cloud recordings will not be moved to Panopto automatically.
- Only personal UW NetIDs are eligible. You may not use the integration with Shared NetIDs.
- If your course has multiple instructors, all members of the instructional team should opt in to the integration.
Learn how to set up your Panopto Zoom integration.
Email if you have any issues with the integration.