Making music, publishing podcasts and producing digital audio is more accessible then ever before. With affordable software products, audio production for the amateur audiophile is as easy as the click of a mouse button. For the more adventurous, you can Learn the basics of audio-recording, MIDI sequencing and loop-based music creation or turn it up notch or two by learning the industry-standard applications, Pro Tools, Logic, and Reason.
Introduction to Digital Audio
If you’re just starting to work with digital audio, check out these informational tutorials to gain an understanding of digital audio and how it works. Â If you’re having trouble reserving the sound studio or checking out equipment, check here to learn how to successfully do so.
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Its feature list is comprehensive and it is flexible enough for most applications.
Ableton Live
Ableton Live is a flexible audio editor and midi sequencer with an emphasis on loop based and performance oriented projects. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of recording and exporting with the software.
Propellerhead Reason
Reason is one of the most comprehensive digital music composition programs available. In this introductory workshop, you will learn how to get a basic sequence started. You will also get an overview of all the devices, from drum machines to analog synthesizer modules. This workshop is designed for beginners and no prior sequencing experience is necessary.
Apple GarageBand
Apple GarageBand is an excellent amateur digital audio-editing program. With GarageBand you can record music, mix pre-recorded music, and create podcasts. In this workshop, you will learn how to create podcasts, mix and loop music, and add audio tracks to video. These tutorials include creating sound effects, sequencing MIDI files, exporting to iTunes, and microphone setup.
Apple Logic Pro
Apple’s Logic is a professional-grade software suite for audio recording, synthesis, composition and production. With a wide range of built-in software instruments, effect plug-ins, loops and more, Logic give you everything you need to make music in one massive package. In this workshop you will learn the basics of how to get started making music with Logic.
Online Curriculum Coming Soon!
Avid Pro Tools
Pro Tools is the industry standard for audio production. From a simple interview to the sound effects for a full-length film, Pro Tools can handle it all. In this introductory workshop, you will learn the basic functions of audio production and audio editing with ProTools. You will also discover how to add effects and how to bounce your finished audio. Record a karaoke session! Create the sound of a crowded room with only a few voices. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn one of the most powerful audio programs on the market.