Retention Analytics Dashboard
The Retention Analytics Dashboard (RAD) leverages learning management system (Canvas) and other data to discover struggling students. RAD provides three dimensions of data from Canvas: activity (student LMS interaction), assignments (missing and late assignments), and grades (grades recorded in Canvas). In addition, RAD provides information on how often a student is logging into any system that requires NetID authentication.
This tool has been rolled out to support Educational Opportunity Program Students (EOP), as well as premajor and international students. In spring of 2021, a RAD dashboard was launched to support Integrated Social Sciences, an online degree completion program.
Please contact Henry Lyle for additional information on RAD.
Course Dashboard
The Course Dashboard displays aggregated data from the courses instructors are currently teaching, as well as data from previous offerings of the same course. Course Dashboard has been supporting instructors on all three campuses for several years. In the era of remote teaching and learning, Course Dashboard addresses the gap left by the absence of in-person connections.
Learn More About Course Dashboards (CODA)
Course Dashboard: Insights to Support Teaching
DawgPath is a web application that can help students manage their course load, discover interesting courses and majors, and connect with their adviser. Additionally, the tool helps students determine how competitive they are for a capacity-constrained major and helps them better navigate their path to a degree once they declare a major.
How does DawgPath do this?
Leveraging data from UW databases, DawgPath provides two views to help students manage and navigate: Course View and Major View.
DawgPath Course View:
- Visualizes grading patterns for every UW course across the three campuses
- Lists courses that are often taken concurrently
- Displays the prerequisites for a course and the courses that can be taken upon completion of the course
- Provides an index that measures the grade outcomes for each course
- Makes it easy to connect with an adviser
- Enables users to search for courses by topic (e.g., social justice)
DawgPath Major View:
- Displays the distribution of cumulative GPAs of students who were accepted to a capacity-constrained major
- A list of commonly taken courses among students who declared the major
- Enables users to search for majors by topic (e.g., Ecology)
DawgPath is available atÂ
What will happen to Pivot and Prereq Map?
Pivot and Prereq Map are now a part of DawgPath. People who have used Pivot and Prereq Map in the past will still be able to view similar data analytics that they enjoyed in these planning tools. With DawgPath, users will get all the benefit they have come to expect, with an improved user experience in a single tool.