Google Changes Common Use Cases

Last updated: May 21, 2024
Audience: All UW


A collection of common use cases affected by the Google service changes at the University of Washington: UW Google Shared Drives, Shared UW NetIDs, and over quota UW Google Drives. 

Common Use Cases

I am a UW undergrad student, and my UW Google account is over the 100 GB storage quota.

UW Office 365 OneDrive for Business is available to all UW employees and students, and has a 5 TB storage limit. 

Use to move data from UW Google Drive to UW OneDrive for Business

Please note that UW Google Drive is intended as a collaborative document platform and not as a general-purpose file server. Review the Google Changes Checklist – Over 100 GB Storage Quota and the UW-IT Storage & Hosting pages to find other resources for high volume and/or large data storage needs.

I am a UW undergrad student and I facilitate activities in a UW Google Shared Drive using a Shared UW NetID. 

Stay in UW Google

If the UW Google Shared Drive is the only resource used (e.g.: no files/collaboration occurs in the UW Google Drive associated with the Shared UW NetID), then using the UW Google Shared Drive with individual UW Google accounts is easiest. Ensure a current UW employee is in the Manager role of the UW Google Shared Drive (the employee must use the email address associated with their individual UW NetID). 

Switch to UW Office 365

Shared UW NetIDs will continue to have access to UW Office 365 services which makes UW Office 365 OneDrive for Business a great option with a 5 TB storage limit. For more collaborative and creative flexibility, other Microsoft services such as SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams are available as well.

I am a UW grad student and I have over 100 GB of data in my UW Google account, which is also shared to internal and external entities.

SharePoint Online with external sharing enabled, and Microsoft Teams are both excellent collaboration platforms that support sharing to those inside and outside the UW. 

For high volume and/or large data storage needs, please see the Google Changes Checklist – Over 100 GB Storage Quota and the UW-IT Storage & Hosting pages.

I am a UW faculty member using a Shared UW NetID’s UW Google Drive, with student access.

Google services will be removed from all Shared UW NetIDs starting August 29, 2023. Ensure UW Office 365 services are enabled for the Shared UW NetID by using the Provisioning Request Tool (PRT), and use UW OneDrive for Business for internal UW collaboration. 

If there is a need to collaborate with those outside of UW, SharePoint Online with external sharing enabled, and Microsoft Teams are both excellent collaborative platforms.

I am a UW department head, and we use a Shared UW NetID’s UW Google account.  The UW Google Drive has shared folders and the UW Google account is in the Manager Role on a UW Google Shared Drive.

UW Google Account

Google services will be removed from all Shared UW NetIDs starting August 29, 2023. Ensure UW Office 365 services are enabled for the Shared UW NetID by using the Provisioning Request Tool (PRT), and if email is used with the Shared UW NetID, change the UW Email Forwarding to UW Office 365. 

UW Google Shared Drive

Ensure a current UW employee is in the Manager role of the UW Google Shared Drive (the employee must use their email address associated with their individual UW NetID).

I am a UW program manager and I have a Shared UW NetID that is used to collaborate on files with student employees in the associated UW Google Drive.

Google services will be removed from all Shared UW NetIDs starting August 29, 2023. Ensure UW Office 365 services are enabled for the Shared UW NetID by using the Provisioning Request Tool (PRT). If there is a need to collaborate with those outside of UW, SharePoint Online with external sharing enabled, and Microsoft Teams are both excellent collaborative platforms.

I am a UW marketing person with a Shared UW NetID that receives email, collaborates using UW Google Drive, and has a YouTube account.

Google services will be removed from all Shared UW NetIDs starting August 29, 2023. Ensure UW Office 365 services are enabled for the Shared UW NetID by using the Provisioning Request Tool (PRT), and change the UW Email Forwarding to UW Office 365. 

YouTube & Brand Accounts

YouTube channels setup under a Shared UW NetID must be migrated to a Google Brand account. For guidance on how to complete the migration to a Google Brand Account, please review our YouTube and Brand Accounts pages.

I’m using UW Google Drive for desktop images and/or other large backup purposes.

UW Google Drive is intended as a collaborative document platform and not as a general-purpose file server. See the Google Changes Checklist – Over 100 GB Storage Quota and the UW-IT Storage & Hosting pages to find a suitable resource for large backup storage.

I am a UW affiliate using a UW Google Shared Drive with data that cannot be deleted and requires collaboration capabilities.

Ensure a current UW employee is in the Manager role on the Shared Drive, using the UW employee’s email address associated with their individual UW NetID. Please review the UW Google Shared Drive page for more information.


If you need further assistance, please contact UW-IT at or 206-221-5000.