MWS File Service Migration

Last updated: October 23, 2023

What is changing and why

The Managed Workstation Service is replacing the existing File Server Infrastructure that is currently in use by the existing shared file services and Windows file services, which includes file locations typically referred to as the “I: Drive.” This project will reduce risk and costs via a shift off legacy architecture and technologies to cloud-based, commodity technology.  Additionally, it will provide the opportunity for additional business continuity and security capabilities not present in existing comparable UW-IT file service offerings.

What the migration process looks like

Managed Workstation customer owners and technical contacts will receive individual communications with their specific directories and migration times/dates.  Most of the migration work involves permissions analysis and behind-the-scenes file/copy work both of which are non-impacting to users. After this foundational work is completed, the Managed Workstation service team will work with individual customers to schedule the moving of the pointer from the existing file service location to the new file service location.

Potential Problems

  • Shortcuts not working: Shortcuts that utilize specific server’s fully-qualified domain names will need to be updated to reflect the new location.
  • File saving: If edits are being applied during the pointer shift, they will not be reflected in the new location.

Customer actions needed

  • Owners or technical contacts should notify users of this change and the timeframe for the changeover.  Ask users to close any files they have open before the final changeover occurs.
  • Owners or technical contacts should notify users of this change and the potential impact on their shortcuts. The Managed Workstation Service can assist with messaging and addressing user concerns, as needed.

Communications Plan

Managed Workstation customer owners and technical contacts will receive individual information with their specific directories and migration times/dates. At this time, the Managed Workstation service is communicating with individual MWS customers as their specific directories and migration times/dates are available.


Contact, subject line MWS File Service Migration if you have questions or concerns.