MyIT: Manage your Managed Workstation resources

Last updated: July 9, 2024

MyIT is a web portal allows the recognized contacts for a department to view and manage their Managed Workstation resources (computers, users, budgets, file directories). These contacts are roles (Department Owner, Billing Contact, Technical Contact). You manage user access to Managed Workstation resources primarily using groups in the Groups Service. The roles will determine who can do what with your information, as well as who we contact. The group controls who is eligible for Managed Workstation services and who has access to file directories.

What Managed Workstation resources and information are associated with a department?

You can find this information on the MWS departments page.

Logging into myIT

Use your UW NetID credentials:

How do I add or change someone as a budget approver in myIT?

This person will be able to see all resources (computers and people) on your budget.  They will no longer be automatically copied on emails for potentially billable requests, but we will let the requestor know any time a request may be billable.

How do I make changes on one of my MWS workstation information

You will be able to see all workstations on your department’s budgets and you can change the following fields:

  • Budget, Task, Option & Project codes
  • Inventory Tag
  • Primary User
  • Managed by

How do I find or change the eligibility group for my department?

  1. Find your department on the myIT Departments page.
  2. Click your department name.
  3. Click Edit under Eligibility Info.

How do I see all of my staff members?

This list shows you all users associated with your department’s budget(s).

Can individual users see their own H: drive usage?

No; only one of the department contacts can see H: drive usage for members of the department.

How do I change a user’s budget number for consulting charges?

You can change the following fields:

  • Budget approver
  • Budget number
  • Task, Option, Project codes

The CSV dump doesn’t show budget or computer name; how do I get that information into Excel?

  1. Find the desired report in myIT.
  2. Open a blank Excel document and click Data — click get external data — click from web.
  3. Copy the myIT URL into the address box, click Options and click “Disable date recognition”.  Click Import.
  4. This brings up the login box for myIT; login with “netid\your_netid.
  5. Use the vertical scroll box to find the arrow that points to the table you want.  Try to avoid mousing over the menu, because they will fly out (although you can still view the arrow underneath them).
  6. Click the arrow to select the table, and it turns into a checkmark.  Click Import, click OK.
  7. Delete Column A the Edit column.  Click save.

Within MyIT, how do I remove people from my Managed Workstation department?

You don’t.

  1. Use MyIT to identify your eligibility group.
  2. Use the Group Service to make the desired changes.

Assign a folder to your department

Go to the File Services option under myIT’s Nebula Things I Own/Manage: File Services>

Assign a budget to your folder

Follow the above steps and enter your budget into the “billingBudget” column.

Basic help for Groups Service is available as part of the Technology Recharge Fee; additional support is available via MWS consulting services.