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Poll Everywhere FAQs

Last updated: May 2, 2023
Audience: StudentsInstructorsStaff

General FAQ

Why did UW-IT add a new classroom response system?

Survey data from UW students, backed by a resolution from ASUW, indicates that students strongly prefer using personal mobile devices or laptops rather than clickers for in-class audience response activities.

Why did UW-IT choose Poll Everywhere?

UW-IT partnered with UW faculty and technologists to evaluate several options and selected Poll Everywhere for a pilot. After a successful pilot and in consultation with the Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning and the UW-IT’s Provost-chartered Teaching and Learning Technology Oversight Committee, UW-IT chose to offer Poll Everywhere to UW faculty and students.

Can I use Poll Everywhere with my Canvas course?

Poll Everywhere supports basic integration features such as importing students from Canvas into Poll Everywhere and exporting grades from Poll Everywhere to Canvas.

How do I get started with Poll Everywhere?

If you have any questions about or would like access to the UW Poll Everywhere account, please email help@uw.edu with “Poll Everywhere” in the subject line. To get started with Poll Everywhere, go to https://polleverywhere.com and log in with your @uw.edu email address.