Canvas LMS: Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)

Last updated: November 25, 2024

Note: The process for adding new LTI integrations to UW Canvas is on hold until March 31, 2025. Requests made between November 25, 2024 and March 31, 2025 will be placed on hold until April 2025 to allow for updates to UW-IT’s intake process for these tools. Requests made prior to November 25, 2024 are still underway, and the team will continue to help update Canvas LTI integrations that have already been approved and installed before this time.

Canvas supports LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability®), an IMS standard that makes it possible to integrate third-party or vendor tools with your Canvas course, or enhance the course with other Web applications and Internet resources.  

Canvas App Center Allow List

The Canvas App Center offers a set of external tools that integrate via LTI which have been reviewed and approved by UW-IT for use in your courses. The App Center makes it easy to add these vetted tools to your course. Learn more about the Canvas App Center.

LMS Vendor Integration Program

Many vendors and publishers provide online learning activities and tools that integrate with Canvas via LTI. The table below provides the list of vendor tools that are already configured and available in Canvas, as well as the status of those tools currently under review. The table lists the tools, vendors, status (deployed, in review, requested), if the tool is available campus-wide or for a specific department, and the pricing model (contract, or student fee). 

If the tool you would like to adopt is listed, the vendor is already enrolled in the vendor integration program.   This means the vendor has worked with UW-IT Academic Services and the UW-IT CISO to undergo a risk assessment, and complete the necessary data security and privacy documents. These tools are already available for use in Canvas where ever external tools can be added, such as in modules or assignments.

If you do not see a vendor in the table below, you can encourage the vendor to enroll in the LMS integration program or make a request that they be added. Learn more about the process for vendor integration.

Learn more about other integration methods: