Teams Phone Quick-Start

Last updated: July 15, 2024
Audience: All UW

This page contains instructions for common tasks when using Microsoft Teams Phone.

  1. When someone calls you, you’ll get a notification in the corner of your screen that lets you accept or decline the call. You can answer by clicking on the phone icon on your screen or your issued headset.
  2. Click the Phone icon to answer with audio only.
  3. Click the Video icon to accept the call and enable video as well

Multi-party calling is allowed. A maximum of 50 people can be added to a call.

  1. To add someone new to a group call, select the Show participants (“People”) icon in your call controls.
  2. Then type their name or phone number in the Invite someone or dial a number box and hit enter or click on found entry. This will add them into the call.

Note: Once someone has been added to the call, there is no way to cancel until after they have joined.

The Dial-Pad can be used to Dial someone who is inside or outside of the campus.

  1. Navigate to the Calls button in the side panel
  2. Using the DialPad, type the number that you wish to call.
  3. To connect, click the Call button

The contacts section is shared with Outlook. You can add a contact in the Teams or within Outlook.

  1. Navigate to the Search section
  2. Type the name of the Contact you would like to call.

History shows all calls that were made. To call a person from History,

  1. Click on History
  2. On the person you want to call click the 3 dots in your history pane
  3. Choose the Call back button

The Dial-Pad can be used to Dial someone who is outside of the campus.

  1. From any place in Teams, click in the command window at the top center.
  2. Type /Call [Enter], Begin typing the person’s name. Select and Hit Enter or hit the right arrow to start the call.

Microsoft Teams provides the ability to transfer the call to another user. There are two types of transfers: Transfer (aka. Blind Transfer), and Consultative Transfer.

Transfer (Blind Transfer)

  1. To transfer a call, select More options > Transfer in your call controls.
  2. Type the name of the person you want to transfer the call to and select them. To finish, select Transfer.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Transfer button to see more transfer options.
  4. Choose Work to transfer the call to their Teams number, or Work voicemail

Consultative Transfer

Consultative transfer allows the person to consult with the person prior to transferring the call. This may be done using Chat.

  1. To transfer a call, select More options > Transfer in your call controls.
  2. Type the name of the person you want to transfer the call to and select them. To finish, select Consult.
  3. Click the Telephone Button . Once you consult with the person,. click the Transfer. If the person does not want to talk choose Stop Consulting.
  4. If they wish to send to their voice mail. Transfer the call using the Transfer instructions and in Step #4, choose Work VoiceMail

Microsoft Teams offers many different types of clients from mobile, desktop or web (using Chrome). Therefore, a call can be picked up from any device. You may want to transfer the call to another device. This is done by using Call Park. By using Call Park, the call is temporarily put on hold so it can be picked up on another device by using a Pickup code.

Parking a Call

  1. To move a call from one device to another.
  2. To place a call on hold, click More actions in your call window.
  3. Select Park Call

Picking up a Parked Call

  1. Navigate to the call section
  2. Click parked calls
  3. At the Pick up a parked call, enter # and then click Pick up

  1. To place a call on hold, click More actions in your call window.
  2. Then select Hold. Everyone in the call will be notified that they’ve been put on hold, and you can continue your call by clicking Resume.
  3. People on hold (including you) won’t be able to see or hear anyone else on the call. Screen sharing is suspended, too. Everything will return to normal once you resume your call

More information is available from Microsoft Support: