Call Forwarding, Transfers, Conferencing, or Redial

Last updated: July 15, 2024
Audience: All UW

Call Forwarding

You can temporarily redirect all calls to an extension or outside number.

To temporarily forward all calls:

  1. Press [*72].
  2. Listen for the dial tone.
  3. If forwarding to an extension:
    • Dial [5-digit number].
  4. Otherwise, if forwarding to an outside number:
    • Press [9].
    • Dial the 10-digit number.
  5. Listen for three short tones, then hang up.

To cancel call forwarding:

  1. Press [*73].
  2. Listen for three short tones, then hang up.

Transfer a Call

You can transfer an ongoing call to an extension or outside number.

To transfer a call:

  1. Press [TAP], or [Recall], or [Switch Hook].
  2. If transferring to an extension:
    • Dial [5-digit number].
  3. Otherwise, if transferring to an outside number:
    • Press [9].
    • Dial the 10-digit number.
  4. Hang up to complete the transfer.
    • If the line is busy, press [TAP] or [Recall] twice to return to the caller.

Conference Call

You can add additional parties to an ongoing call. A call may have up to 6 participants.

To add an additional party to a call:

  1. Press [TAP], or [Recall], or [Switch Hook].
  2. If adding an extension:
    • Dial [5-digit number].
  3. Otherwise, if adding an outside number:
    • Press [9].
    • Dial the 10-digit number.

Redial Last Number

To automatically redial the last number you dialed:

  1. Press [TAP], or [Recall], or [Switch Hook].
  2. Press [#9].

Your desk phone or Avaya Workplace may also have a button to automatically redial the last number.