
Last updated: September 9, 2024
Audience: InstructorsStaffResearchersIT Staff / TechnicalDecision Makers


eSignatures, powered by DocuSign, is available free of charge to current UW staff and faculty for UW business purposes. eSignatures offers the ability to:

  • Send: Easily upload and send documents to people inside or outside the University for electronic signature.
  • Receive: Signers receive and sign documents quickly, securely, and flexibly using a phone, tablet, or computer.
  • Manage: Check document status and send reminders.

The eSignatures service is limited to higher education, specifically for education, research, and administrative activities. Medical center- and health care provider-originated use cases for patient-related care are not permitted.

If you have questions about this, please ask.

Use Considerations

Data collected through eSignatures (DocuSign) must be carefully considered so as to minimize the risk of exposing sensitive information.


Access to UW information systems and the processing of UW data comes with responsibilities. The Access and Use Agreement for UW Data and Information Systems (‘Agreement’) details your privacy and information security responsibilities while using eSignatures.


Onboarding Process

  1. Review the eSignatures (DocSign) Service: For more information about the service and its capabilities, refer to the eSignatures Overview deck.
  2. Request to become a Delegated Administrator: Complete the Become a Delegated Administrator form to begin the onboarding process.
  3. Initial review: Review information we send and gain access to the DocuSign sandbox.
  4. Test in sandbox account: Use your sandbox account to understand the eSignatures sending and signing process and how your team will need to prepare for eSignatures.
    The sandbox must not be used for official University business.
  5. Complete Delegated Admin(istrator) training: We will provide training materials for you to review. These materials will help familiarize you with your new role and responsibilities in the eSignatures service.
  6. Receive DocuSign access: You will receive an account in the DocuSign prodution instance and begin managing documents and users.