Multiple Affiliations

Last updated: January 12, 2023
Audience: StudentsStaffIT Staff / Technical

Multiple Affiliations

Users may be affiliated with the UW as both a current student and employee. When this occurs, they will be eligible for both student and staff web publishing services.

public_html and student_html folders

If a user is both a student and employee at the UW, they may be eligible to use both the Student Web Publishing and the employee Web Publishing services. If only one of these is activated, their public_html folder will point to the proper server for that active service. If both of these services are activated there will be two folders: public_html and student_html. In this case, public_html will always point to the employee website, and student_html will always point to the student website.

For more information: public_html and student_html folders

Web Development Environments

In addition, users with multiple affiliations will also be able to use both the student and faculty/staff web development environments. These systems share file systems, and users can switch between these interchangeably.