To provide access to a short list of UW NetIDs:
- Log into your web development server using a terminal emulator. If you’re not sure how to do this, click here for instructions.
- At the prompt, enter the following command to change directories to your Web directory:
cd public_html
If you want to protect a subdirectory rather than your whole website, change directories to the subdirectory you want to protect. For example:
cd private
- At the prompt, enter the following command to create a .htaccess file in the current working directory:
nano -w .htaccess
The -w option turns off word wrap, which helps if you have a long list of UW NetIDs you want to authorize.
- Add the following text to this file:
AuthType Shibboleth <IfVersion < 2.4> ShibCompatWith24 on </IfVersion> ShibRequestSetting requireSession true ShibRequestSetting redirectToSSL 443 require shib-user joshg sallyt jcat
- Optional – If two factor authentication (2FA) is desired on depts, staff, faculty, or courses, then add the following text to this file instead:
AuthType Shibboleth ShibRequestSetting requireSession true ShibRequestSetting redirectToSSL 443 ShibRequestSetting applicationId 2fa <IfVersion < 2.4> ShibRequireAll on ShibCompatWith24 on require authnContextClassRef require shib-user joshg sallyt jcat </IfVersion> <IfVersion >= 2.4> <RequireAll> require authnContextClassRef require shib-user joshg sallyt jcat </RequireAll> </IfVersion>
- Replace the three example UW NetIDs with your own list of UW NetIDs. Make sure they are all on the same line, each separated by a space, just as you see above.
- Save and close the file using Nano. (Click for instructions on how to use nano).
- You’re done! Confirm that password protection is working by opening your website with a Web browser.