- Exchange Online
UW Exchange Online, a component of UW Office 365, provides email, calendar, contacts, and task management.
- Google Gmail
UW Gmail, a component of UW Google, provides email, calendar, contacts, and task management.
- Mailman Email List Manager
An email distribution list manager that allows list owners to create and modify email lists for subscribers.
- UW Event Calendar
A calendaring system for all campus public events and departmental calendars.
From other sections
The topics below are related to Email, Calendars, & Events:
- Bulk email at the UW
Options for sending email to a large number of recipients.
- Email & Calendaring
An overview of the email and calendaring options and resources offered at the UW.
- Protecting your email
What the UW does and what you can do to protect your email.
- Email Infrastructure
Tools and services for sending email, such as the UW SMTP servers