Enterprise Data Services

Last updated: August 22, 2022

We are all about making enterprise data available to the people and applications that need it. This data may be delivered as reports, databases, or APIs, but what matters is that you have sources for UW administrative data that are secure, accessible, and consistent.

Let us help you connect to and understand UW enterprise data.

Connect to UW Data

UW January 2017 Campus Shots

Reporting and Analytics

Off the shelf tools to analyze UW data

2017 Cherry Blossoms

Enterprise Data Warehouse

A secure central repository of UW data

Enterprise Web Services

Integrate your systems in real time

Data Definitions

Explore and understand UW data with Knowledge Navigator

Data Security

Learn more about how we secure UW enterprise data

Photo by Katherine Turner. Fall in the Quad.

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Enterprise Data News

BI Portal: New Report – Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search

Nov. 15, 2021

Now Available in the BI Portal: Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search report Do you…

New Look for Workday Reports Catalog

Nov. 09, 2021

As part of the Report Adoption Project (RAP), we are very pleased to announce a…

BI Portal New Release: Notify Course Section Demand by Student Major

Oct. 28, 2021

Available Now: New Dashboard Helps You Help Students The Notify Course Section Demand by Student…

Customer Stories

Discover how you can benefit from our services through others’ success stories!

Need help?

Here’s how to contact us:

Email: help@uw.edu