Unix (Linux) Managed Servers

Last updated: June 17, 2024
Audience: StaffResearchersIT Staff / TechnicalDecision Makers

UW-IT’s Unix Managed Servers service deploys and manages Linux servers so that departments can have access to a secure and stable environment to run their applications.

Unix Managed Servers offers a simple, efficient solution when you need servers deployed and managed. The service includes an optional 1 hour consultation to gather requirements and provide a cost estimate. Upon approval UW-IT will configure, install and manage your server in a physically secure, environmentally controlled data center facility or cloud environment. If any dedicated equipment is required, UW-IT will purchase and manage it.

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Unix Managed Server Information

Virtual Machines (VMs) are the preferred option. Servers are located on-premise in a UW-IT Data Center or in the cloud in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Default support options:

  • Nightly back-ups
  • Off-site backups and vaulting
  • System monitoring
  • Business hours system support
  • Data Security – appropriate for confidential, restricted, or public data

Service options, by request only:

  • High availability (HA) clusters
  • 24×7 on-call system support
  • Geographical redundancy (costs are customized)
  • Requisition, installation and renewal of certs

New customers will get Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (prefered), Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, or CentOS7 system deployed.

As an Operating System approaches the end of its supported lifecycle, the customer must work with UW-IT to migrate to a supported OS.

In-place Operating System upgrades are not supported; OS upgrades require a requesting a new server.

Account management: UW NetIDs(preferred) or server local accounts (discouraged)

Authentication: Kerberos, UW Shibboleth

Authorization: UW Groups, UW Shibboleth

For other IAM integrations, please ask.

We can assist with installation and basic support of the following standard software:

  • Web servers: Apache
  • Databases: MySQL
  • Applications and Languages:
    • PHP
    • Python
    • Git
    • HAProxy

Other application software can be installed, but unless special arrangements are made, Unix Managed Servers does not support or manage it.

Rates for this service are variable and will be provided as part of the initial consultation phase. Rates include 3 components:

  1. Direct costs (server hardware, licensed software, certificates, vendor support, etc.)
  2. Management costs (hours for system design, system administration, application administration, etc.)
  3. Costs to use other UW-IT services (data center, backups, virtual servers, etc.)

To see current rates and detailed pricing examples, see our Service Catalog Entry.

Specific service level items are negotiable and limited by the support hours being billed.For a typical Unix Standard Managed Server UW-IT will:

  • Provide server specification and setup services
  • Provide setup and installation of approved software (for approved software list, see Features & Options)
  • Provide OS license
  • Provide systems administrative functions including:
    • Providing ongoing operating system updates, patches and security hot fixes
    • Monitoring server performance and health
    • Providing hardware maintenance and repair (or arranging for vendor replacement), providing servers are under warranty
  • Bill service charges to a UW funding source
  • If physical hardware is required, UW-IT will additionally:
    • Arrange for the purchase and installation of all hardware
    • Tag server hardware with a generic asset tag and send all relevant paperwork to the customer.
    • Provide necessary infrastructure, including:
      • Secured, climate controlled data-center location
      • Server rack space
      • Electrical circuits
      • Network connectivity
The customer will:
    • Verify that this service meets all of the business continuity, security, and data management requirements that apply to the planned use of the service. Please contact us if you require additional information about the service’s design, operation, or management in order to help verify that this service will meet your needs.
    • Install, support and upgrade custom application software
    • Resolve any application problems for custom applications
    • Provide any application-level monitoring for custom applications
    • Provide UW-IT with permanent system root/ admin privileges
    • Perform server reboots and shutdowns only with prior UW-IT approval
    • If the optional data backup service is not selected, then the Customer is responsible for data backups
    • If a physical server is provided, the customer may wish to insure the equipment. University property and equipment are not automatically insured for loss or damage due to theft, fire, flood, power spike, etc.  You can arrange for insurance through the Equipment Insurance campus-wide online program, which is administered by the Office of Risk Management. This program provides optional, low cost coverage for equipment owned, leased or borrowed by University departments.  You can find more information here: f2.washington.edu/treasury/riskmgmt/insure/EIS