UWSDBDataStore Reorg on June 6, 2020

May 3, 2020

The student database (SDB) will go through a reorganization on June 6, 2020 which will cause changes in the Enterprise Data Warehouse database, UWSDBDataStore. These changes to the objects will be available in the UWSDBDataStore on Monday, June 8, 2020.
However, data on the new objects will be available as soon as the Data Custodians submit the  security role definitions and the SIS team loads the data.

(last modified: 6.04.2020)

*Please Note:The scope listed below isn’t final until 1 week before the reorg. Please continuously monitor this site for the most current update.

New columns to be added

Table Name Column Name Data Type Description
budget_resources br_tuition_cred tinyint How many credits their budget is based on
sa_distribution distr_chrg_sa_due  datetime Corresponding due date in SA-Account charge
sa_distribution distr_chrg_sa_amt  decimal(7,2) Corresponding amount in SA-Account charge
sf_evaluation s_asla_cmplt char(1)  Stafford Loan Acknowledgement
 sf_evaluation s_asla_cmplt_dt datetime  Stafford Loan Acknowledgement Date
 sf_evaluation s_asla_cmplt_id char(12)  Stafford Loan Acknowledgement ID
 sf_evaluation u_asla_cmplt  char(1)  UNSUB Loan Acknowledgement
 sf_evaluation u_asla_cmplt_dt  datetime  UNSUB Loan Acknowledgement Date
 sf_evaluation u_asla_cmplt_id  char(12)  UNSUB Loan Acknowledgement ID
 sf_evaluation p_asla_cmplt  char(1)  Parent Loan Acknowledgement
 sf_evaluation p_asla_cmplt_dt  datetime  Parent Loan Acknowledgement Date
 sf_evaluation p_asla_cmplt_id  char(12)  Parent Loan Acknowledgement ID
 sf_evaluation g_asla_cmplt  char(1)  Parent Loan Acknowledgement
 sf_evaluation g_asla_cmplt_dt  datetime  Parent Loan Acknowledgement Date
 sf_evaluation g_asla_cmplt_id  char(12)  Parent Loan Acknowledgement ID
sf_tuition t_pt_2cred int Part time tuition, 2 credits
sf_tuition t_pt_3cred int Part time tuition, 3 credits
sf_tuition t_pt_4cred int Part time tuition, 4 credits
sf_tuition t_pt_5cred int Part time tuition, 5 credits
sf_tuition t_pt_6cred int Part time tuition, 6 credits
sf_tuition t_pt_7cred int Part time tuition, 7 credits
sf_tuition t_pt_8cred int Part time tuition, 8 credits
sf_tuition t_pt_9cred int Part time tuition, 9 credits
sf_tuition_except te_pt_2cred int Part time tuition, 2 credits
sf_tuition_except te_pt_3cred int Part time tuition, 3 credits
sf_tuition_except te_pt_4cred int Part time tuition, 4 credits
sf_tuition_except te_pt_5cred int Part time tuition, 5 credits
sf_tuition_except te_pt_6cred int Part time tuition, 6 credits
sf_tuition_except te_pt_7cred int Part time tuition, 7 credits
sf_tuition_except te_pt_8cred int Part time tuition, 8 credits
sf_tuition_except te_pt_9cred int Part time tuition, 9 credits
sr_degree deg_visa_inelig bit Degree is not eligible for students with visas.
sr_student_grp_cd stu_grp_type char(6) type of student group, used for identifying similar types of groups for reporting.
sys_tbl_21_ethnic ethnic_inactive bit flag to indicate that an ethnic/hispanic code is inactive and should no longer be used.

New Table

Table Name Column Name Data Type Note
sys_tbl_16_stu_grp_type table_type tinyint value set to 16
table_key char(20)
record_type smallint
table_subkey tinyint
stu_grp_type_desc char(20) description of student group type specified in the associated table_key.
sys_tbl_17_astra_soc table_type tinyint  value set to 17
table_key  char(20)
record_type smallint
table_subkey tinyint
astra_soc_name char(12) short name of Astra Span of Control
astra_soc_desc char(40) description/long name of Astra Span of Control

Columns to be deleted

Table Name Column Name Note
sf_tuition  t_pt_amt1 Column was never used
sf_tuition t_pt_amt2 Column was never used
sf_tuition t_pt_amt3 Column was never used
sf_tuition t_pt_amt4 Column was never used
sf_tuition t_pt_amt5 Column was never used
sf_tuition_except te_pt_amt1 Column had either zeros or NULLs all this time
sf_tuition_except te_pt_amt2 Column had either zeros or NULLs all this time
sf_tuition_except te_pt_amt3 Column had either zeros or NULLs all this time
sf_tuition_except te_pt_amt4 Column had either zeros or NULLs all this time
sf_tuition_except te_pt_amt5 Column had either zeros or NULLs all this time

Send all questions and concerns to help@uw.edu, with the subject line: “UWSDBDataStore Reorg 6.6.2020“.