UWSDBDataStore Reorg on June 5, 2021

May 14, 2021

The student database (SDB) will go through a reorganization on June 5, 2021 which will cause changes in the Enterprise Data Warehouse database, UWSDBDataStore. These changes to the objects will be available in the UWSDBDataStore on June 7, 2021.
However, data on the new objects will be available as soon as the Data Custodians submit the security role definitions and the SIS team loads the data.

(last modified: 05.28.2021)

*Please continuously monitor this site for the most current update.

Old Columns to be deleted

Table Name Column Name
sa_sf_fund fund_type
sr_instructor instr_hepps_dt
sr_stu_disability stu_disab_grp_cd
sys_tbl_19_disability_grp disab_grp_desc

New columns to be added

Table Name Column Name Datatype
budget_resources br_budget_type smallint
sa_transaction op_dat_pay_ref_no char(30)
sf_evaluation verif_done char(1)
verif_date date
sf_history wsos_id char(9)
sr_stu_disability stu_disab_cat tinyint
stu_disab_grp char(2)
stu_disab_subgrp tinyint
stu_disab_reloc bit
sys_tbl_19_disability_grp dgrp_short_desc char(40)
dgrp_long_desc char(150)
sys_tbl_20_disability dcat_short_desc char(40)
dcat_long_desc char(150)
student_2 covid19_stat tinyint
covid19_stat_dt datetime
covid19_exp_dt datetime
covid19_comment char(75)
covid19_updt_dt datetime
covid19_updt_id char(12)
covid19_spare_1 char(12)
covid19_spare_2 char(12)
covid19_spare_3 char(12)
covid19_spare_4 int
covid19_spare_5 int
covid19_spare_6 int

New Table to be Added

Table Name Column Name Datatype
sys_tbl_22_disabl_subgrp table_type tinyint
table_key char(20)
record_type smallint
table_subkey tinyint
dsubgrp_shrt_desc char(40)
dsubgrp_long_desc char(150)
sf_fees sff_year_code smallint
sff_campus tinyint
sff_credit_hours tinyint
sff_fee_amt int

Existing Table to be renamed

Old Table Name New Table Name
sa_wd_sum_trans sa_wd_sum_tran
sys_tbl_24_resident_tbl sys_tbl_24_resident