EWS EVAL Release 17 is Now Available

January 27, 2023

Enterprise Web Services (EWS) has released an update in EVAL for multiple web services in support of UW Finance Transformation (UWFT). For an overview of how EWS is adapting to support UWFT, refer to EWS for Finance Transformation.

Monthly Scheduled Releases

  • EVAL: Updates to EVAL environments for all EWS services are released on the same monthly schedule. This allows us to better synchronize with Enterprise Data Platform’s release schedule for Finance Transformation. For more information, refer to the Data Availability Timeline.
  • PROD: Updates to PROD environments for all EWS services now reflect changes from the previous month’s EVAL release (for example, if EVAL reflects Release R17, then PROD will reflect Release R16).

What’s New in EWS Release 17

Web Service Overview of Release
FWS v2 (Outbound)
  • Introduced Breaking Changes by replacing the following resources:
    • /RelatedWorktags/{RefID|WID} (Replaced with ‘entity’/{RefID|WID}/relatedworktag)
  • Introduced Breaking Changes by renaming and/or removing fields in the following resources:
    • /CustomerInvoice
    • /Sponsor
  • Introduced Breaking Changes by changing how data is returned for the following resources:
    • /CustomerInvoice (transactional resource)
    • /CustomerDeposit (transactional resource)
    • /CustomerPayment (transactional resource)
  • Added the following resources:
    • /CustomerInvoiceAdjustment (transactional resource)
    • /CustomerRefund (transactional resource)
    • /LedgerYear
  • Added fields and/or endpoints to the following resources:
    • /CustomerInvoice
    • /Journal
    • /LedgerAccount
    • /PayrollJournal
    • /Reference
  • Updated the /SearchID search parameter to allow for a prefix-based ID search.
  • Fixed HREFs in the /Person and /PayComponentGroup resources.

For more information, refer to FWS Reference Data (Outbound) – Release 17. For support, refer to Support | FWS.

Updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) available! This release includes changes to how some transactional resources return data. For more information, refer the following questions on the FAQ | FWS page:

  • Why does the query parameter search only return a summary of the data for certain resources?
  • Why does GetByID only return JSON for certain resources?
FWS v2 (Inbound) There were no customer-facing changes for FWS v2 (Inbound) introduced in this release. However, there is an Upcoming UWFT Technical Event for FWS v2 Inbound Users. For more information, refer to the following section.
  • Updated the /Person, /JobProfile, /JobFamily, and /JobFamilyGroup resources to allow “03 Job Families” to be accessible by the HR Baseline security role.

For more information, refer to HRPWS v3 – Release 17. For support, refer to Support | HRPWS.

Upcoming UWFT Technical Event for FWS v2 Inbound Users

Topic: Posting common transactions to Workday via Secure File Transfer (sFTP) Workshop

When: Friday, February 3, 2023 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am

Description: In this meeting, we’ll provide information on how to securely post common transactions using sFTP.


  1. Orientation to the Financial Web Service (FWS) and Enterprise Data Platform (EDP)
  2. Roles and responsibilities of supporting accounting submissions within Workday
  3. How to utilize the FWS sFTP service to submit transactions to Workday

 You can view this event and add it to your calendar from the FTT Event Calendar.