EDW for Finance Transformation Release 17 is Now Available

January 30, 2023

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) has released an update in UWODS and WDFinDataMart in support of UW Finance Transformation (UWFT). For an overview of how EDW is adapting to support UWFT, refer to EDW for Finance Transformation.

Monthly Scheduled Releases

Updates to UWODS and WDFinDataMart are released on the same monthly schedule. This allows us to better synchronize with Enterprise Data Platform’s release schedule for Finance Transformation. For more information, refer to the Data Availability Timeline.

What’s New in EDW Release 17

Overview of Release
  • This release includes 9 new tables, 2 new views, and 22 columns were added to existing tables.
  • Introduced Breaking Changes by renaming and removing fields in multiple tables. Breaking Changes also includes Worktag tables that have been redesigned and replaced with a new set of tables.
    • UWODS.sec.RelatedWorktag
    • UWODS.sec.RelatedWorktagAllowedWorktag
    • UWODS.sec.RelatedWorktagDefaultWorktag
    • UWODS.sec.RelatedWorktagWorktagType

Known Data Issues are as follows:

  • Some Tables are missing data. See: UWODS Tables Missing Data
  • Truncated data due to bad test data not following expected standards
  • Some definitions are unknown

For more information, refer to UWODS EDW Release 17. For support, refer to Support l UWODS.

  • This release includes 1 new table.
  • There were no breaking changes for Release 17.

Known Data Issues

For more information, refer to WDFinDataMart EDW Release 17. For Support, refer to Support l WDFinDataMart

EDW Release Schedule

We have already started working on next month’s release. Bookmark Release Notes | UWODS and Release Notes | WDFinDataMart to follow our progress.

Support Available to Transition Human Resource/Payroll Data from ODS to UWODS

When UW Finance Transformation (UWFT) goes live, the current state ODS database will be frozen and the UWODS database will be introducedFor more information, refer to Transitioning HR Data from ODS to UWODS.

New Emerging Guidance for Writing Code using Finance Data in the WDFinDataMart and UWODS

We have provided a link on the UWODS and WDFinDataMart Sample Queries pages that take you to a resource where you can find sample queries for common finance related questions. This resource is under construction and restricted to current EDW and BI Portal finance data viewers. Use at your own risk.

You will find this link under the Finance Data Concepts and Queries section on these pages:

EDW Data Load Status for Production and Test Environments

Based on our requests from customers, we have published a new stand alone EDW Data Load Status page for both EDW Production and Test environments. This replaces the Data Load Status information that was previously embedded in the EDW help page. Please update your bookmarks accordingly.