Collaborating to Bring the Husky Card Dashboard to Life

July 15, 2024

The Husky Card is the official ID for the UW community, granting access to services like campus libraries, buildings, transportation, and entertainment. Husky Card Services (HCS), part of UW Housing & Food Services, is responsible for managing and issuing these cards.

To provide comprehensive insights into Husky Card production and distribution data, UW-IT’s Reporting & Analytics and Administrative Services teams partnered with HCS to develop a custom dashboard. This dashboard is hosted on UW-IT’s Tableau server with access managed via a UW Group. Although not widely available, this dashboard shows a powerful data solution that emerged from a collaborative effort.

Collaborating to Meet Requirements

The initiative began with Jacob Lipman, a Senior Applications System Engineer from UW-IT’s Administrative Systems, Custom Solutions team, who recognized the need for a dashboard while working with HCS on another project. The HCS team was manually extracting, cleaning, and formatting data on a monthly basis for leadership reporting—a dashboard could definitely streamline this process!

From there Grzegorz (Greg) Grabowski, a Senior Business Intelligence Developer from the UW-IT’s Reporting & Analytics team joined the effort, collaborating with Administrative Systems to refine a query that extracts data from the IDCard and Student databases. Together they worked on the dashboard prototypes—reviewing and revising them based on user feedback.

About the Dashboard

The Husky Card Dashboard answers key business questions by providing the following:

  • Number of Husky Cards printed, by type (Student, Employee, Retired) and ID office, during a given timeframe.
  • Peak production times for each ID office, showing volume trends over time (day, week, month, year).
  • List of individuals issued a Husky Card during a given timeframe, with filterable details.
  • Number of first-time Husky Cards issued by type during a given timeframe.
  • Number of replacement Husky Cards issued, filterable by replacement reason (lost, stolen, damaged, etc.) during a given timeframe.
  • Number and names of fee-based program students issued their first-time student Husky Card during a given timeframe.

The dashboard presents Husky Card data in a number of different views, which were developed based on feedback from the user.

A screenshot of the Husky Card Trends view of the dashboard.
Husky Card Trends View
A screenshot of the Husky Card Detail Report view of the dashboard.
Husky Card Detail Report View
A screenshot of the First-Time Students with Majors Detail view of the dashboard.
First-Time Students with Majors Detail View
A screenshot of the First-Time Student Count by Print Location and Major view of the dashboard.
First-Time Student Count by Print Location and Major View

Access Information

This dashboard is only available to Husky Card Services.


If you have questions about this dashboard or would like to inquire about a similar solution for your department, please contact with “BI Portal Dashboards” in the subject line.