Changing from Nebula2 to UW NetID login
Changing from Nebula2 to UW NetID login
The Nebula service has set a goal for its UW-IT customers to stop using their Nebula2 user accounts and switch to using their NETID user accounts before April 2015. This is part of a larger initiative consolidating Windows domains, supports the IM Infrastructure Refresh project, and is a blocker for several other Nebula goals such as splitting off a separate Software Distribution Service.
Any customer can make the switch themselves. Hundreds of other Nebula customers have made the switch to only using a NETID user account, and there is no risk to trying the switch because you can revert back to using the Nebula2 user account. There is helpful documentation to assist customers that want to do this self-service at
Alternatively, Nebula will provide 30 minutes of assistance (at no additional cost beyond the Nebula core fee) to help customers make the switch. We will have dedicated staff available during a specific period for your UW-IT division, but you can also send a request for help at any time to If you believe you are no longer using your Nebula2 user account, you can send a request to disable the account, which will help you ensure you don’t have any hidden lingering dependencies on it.